Mindful Self-Compassion
Online Courses and Workshops
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Cultivate emotional resilience for facing the difficulties of life by using the skills of self-kindness, self-acceptance and mindfulness.
Common Reasons for Taking MSC:
Depression and Anxiety
Pain and physical limitation
Caregiver fatigue
Challenging relationships
Negative body image
​Trauma recovery
​Grief and loss
Failure and mistakes
Self-criticism, judgment, perfectionism
Sadness, anger, fear
​Self-doubt, blame, shame
​​“A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life."
- Dr. Christopher Germer, Co-Creator of Mindful Self-Compassion
3 paths to choose from:
By wrapping pain in the warm embrace of self-compassion, negative states are alleviated while positive states are generated.
Self-compassion is an inner strength that enables us to be more fully human - to acknowledge our shortcomings, learn from them, and make necessary changes with an attitude of kindness and self-respect. Fortunately, self-compassion can be learned by anyone.
Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) is an empirically-supported 8-week course being taught around the world developed by Christopher Germer, PhD, a leader in the integration of mindfulness and psychotherapy and Kristin Neff, PhD, a pioneering researcher in the field of self-compassion, and co-founders of the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion.
Mindful Self-Compassion is an opportunity to explore how we typically respond when difficulties arise in our lives and to learn tools for becoming a warm and supportive companion to ourselves. MSC is therapeutic, but it’s not therapy. The emphasis of the program is on enhancing emotional resources to meet emotional challenges, old and new.
Research shows that self-compassion
is powerfully associated with
emotional well-being.
It leads to:
Fewer negative states like depression, anxiety, stress, shame, self-criticism, and negative body image.
More positive states like happiness, life satisfaction, optimism, physical health and satisfying relationships.
Feeling motivated to create change, have high standards, be persistent, and be less afraid of failure.
In this course you will learn to:
Practice mindfulness and self-compassion in daily life.
Understand the science of self-compassion.
Use self-compassion to live in accord with your values.
Handle difficult emotions with greater ease.
Motivate yourself with kindness rather than criticism.
Work with challenging relationships.
Manage caregiver fatigue.
Practice the art of savoring and self-appreciation.
Teach simple self-compassion skills to others.
“[The research] shows that self-compassion is a powerful way to achieve emotional well-being and contentment in our lives. By giving ourselves unconditional kindness and comfort while embracing the human experience, difficult as it is, we avoid destructive patterns of fear, negativity, and isolation. At the same time, self-compassion fosters positive mind-states such as happiness and optimism."
- Dr. Kristin Neff, Mindful Self-Compassion Pioneer
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What to expect from the
8-Week Course
The course schedule includes:
8 weekly 3-hour classes, plus
1 day-long class.
Meditation experience is not necessary to participate in MSC. All are welcome!
This highly participatory, practical course includes:​
Discussion of topics
Experiential exercises
Inquiry process
Small group interaction
Weekly home practice assignments
Guided audio meditations for home practice and a workbook
A Day of Self-Compassion held in a half-day retreat format
MSC teachers are committed to providing an environment of safety, support, privacy, individual responsibility, and a common commitment to developing compassion for oneself and others.
Private Individual Training
8-week course condensed into a 12-week private program to meet your needs and schedule.
Explore your needs and goals for private individual or group training.
30 min